Life has been real busy lately here in Honduras, as I am (and my boss is) trying to squeeze me into as many houses as possible before i head to the states on furlough! 16 days till furlough! Can you believe it?! I'm really excited to get back and visit friends and fam. Espessially the 2 cute little ones in the following pics...members of the Wager family who have been born since i moved here!
Bekah, daughter of Scott and Kara (Wager) Wessman
Joshy, son of Josh and Julie Wager
That's all for now. If you actually read this blog, i'd love to hear a comment from you, just so i know someone is reading it!! Thanks!
Joshy, son of Josh and Julie Wager
Needless to say i'm nearly jumping out of my skin to meet these precious kiddos!
For spring break i was able to visit the north shore of honduras, again, and it has quickly become one of my favorite places to spend some relaxing vacation days! This trip i was able to coordinate for all of the teachers and i to go on. It included lots of details, and for those who know me well, know that's not a strong point. But it is definitely a growing point! It was fun, renting our own van, driving up 6 hours north, and discovering a very cute (and cheap! ya!) hotel right on the ocean owned by a Christian couple! (God works in some cool ways, btw).
Me in La Ceiba for few much needed days to rest!
Me in La Ceiba for few much needed days to rest!
I also want to add a tribute to a very dear professor and friend of mine who passed away last April (2007). She was my Family Life Studies professor at Focus on the Family Inst. and became a very dear mentor and friend in the lives of many of us students, including me. You would have to fight to get to her door to sign up for a spot just to chat with her for an hour! They filled up in a snap. Sheryl DeWitt was an excellent example of a women who loved God, and loved others. These were her top priorities, and anyone who walked into her life, even knowing her for 2 min. could know this. I was devestated to hear when she was diagnosed with cancer while she was our professor...because of surgeries was unable to finish teaching our class. Then in April, when we all thought she still had at least a few months left (and many of us, who knew sheryl and knew her strength wanted to believe she had more ...that she would pull thru this), she passed away in April (2007). We know she is dancing with the Ultimate love of her life, our Lord. Please take a minute to pray for her own family, and also her family from Focus.Sheryl DeWitt....I miss you so much!