Friday, July 31, 2009

It's about time?!?!

Well, much has changed since I last wrote!

I have moved back to the USA, and am now living with my parents until mid-August, while job-searching and re-adjusting to USA life.
Do I miss honduras?? Yes...tremendously, and a part of me is always going to be there.
Is there really a war going on in honduras right now? Well, there's not technically a so called "war" going on. They ousted the president..and that is a good thing...and the president wants to be back in power and that is causing all kinds of demonstrations by both parties. Peaceful demonstrations by those who do not want him back in power, and destructful ones by those who do want him back in power. Does that tell you anything? Anyways...if you are interested in this ...i am going to scan an article into this blog one day soon that describes, very well, what is happening. Please do not listen to all the news that you hear...the USA is not doing a good job at covering this at all.

What are you doing now with your life? I am looking for jobs in Milwaukee, WI. Social-work jobs that involve youth, and bi-lingual needs. (spanish/english of course).

Why Milwaukee? Well, because it made sense. There were a ton of jobs available in Milwaukee, and it was a God-thing that my former roommate from college, whom is a dear friend of mine, was looking for a roommate, and i was looking for a place to stay! Perfect! God knows best...

Will you ever go back to Honduras? This is a loaded question for me, but the easy answer is ...of course! I plan to go visit, if it is financially feasible, at least one time a year. I have very dear friends there and plan on keeping up with those friendships.

Are you afraid you will lose your spanish? Like anyone who doesn't speak a language 24/7, I know i will lose a bit of the "easiness" of speaking it. But it's still very fresh in my mind, and i do e-mail, chat, and talk on the phone in spanish several times a week. Also I plan on leading a spanish bible study once a month and also hope to use it in whatever work i have in the future.

So....there's an update on the typical questions :) I would love to hear from you all...please feel free to email me at
No..i am not changing that e-mail i said...there will always be a part of me in honduras :)

I'll leave you with some pictures of my last days in Honduras, and also some pics of my time here in the USA so far...

Joshy (my cousin's baby)and I...such a joy-giver!

4-wheeling in Wisconsin

My last night in sad!!! With a bunch of my friends...

Two of my good buddies in La Ceiba...Byron and Tayron.

Visited the Ranch the day before i flew out to say goodbye to the hard! This is me with my baby...who's not really a baby anymore! Darwin...