Friday, July 16, 2010

It's been one year since my return to the states. Ya hace un año.

It's been a year since i returned from are some ponderings of mine :) i hope to return for a visit just as soon as i can get vacation time and $$ saved. This land never leaves my heart!!

a land unknown. a land that stole my heart practically the moment i stepped foot on the soil. a land that to some think is ugly, smelly, and dirty....i only see the beauty. the heat hits your face...breath in deeply....ahhh the beauty of warmth. open your eyes. people everywhere...mostly darker-skinned, petite women with children. some men. all bustling somewhere...but not hustling like most north americans are used to. these people, these precious people, are hustling to see loved ones. to spend time with people...the most precious thing anyone can have...loved ones. go to this country, you will be embraced with open arms, loving and mostly non-judgemental hearts. you are who you are. love others, accept others, and you will be accepted as family.

i became part of this land. daily tasks, shopping trips, 4 little children, beautiful little boys, in tow, driving a 1/2 broken down trooper through a diesel-filled city. the only difference on the outside? light-skin, blonde hair, and an accent that one quite couldn’t place...not total north american choppy, but not authentically honduran smooth spanish. “are those boys yours?” is a common question that would be asked. “yes!” I would answer beaming. I loved my boys. God sure did bless me.

coming back to my home-land...a strange feeling. a feeling of a life in a new country...although it was my country. constantly wondering how my loved ones in my doing. are they safe? are they happy? fed? hungry? sad? who’s there for them when they need someone to talk to? sometimes these questions would haunt me for hours. wishing i could do something. be there. i grieved. i gave them over to the Lord.

with family again. blood-related. nothing can separate this kind of love. game nights. laughter. camp. joy. re-connecting and happiness. cousins. babys. embrace.

.......and i have learned. nothing can separate the love of those in honduras either. thank God for you all. miss you from the depths of my heart!

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