Monday, September 24, 2007

Another month gone by....

...and life is still great, and God is still good. I have become so aware of the constant-ness of our God. Things all around you can be changing...people can change, people can think you change, you can't count on things always going the way you think they will....but you know for sure without a doubt that God will always be God, and will always do right...whether or not you agree!
That's my random thought of today :)

I can't believe it has been a month since i wrote on here last. I think months go by so quickly for me because half of the weeks are taken up by me being in homes relief parenting...which i continue to love, and am getting very comfortable doing.

Again, I am working on doing another newsletter...i may switch my newsletters from being monthly to every other month...but am still deciding about that.

This weekend i spent Saturday night at the Bridge House, in teguz. That is the place where our kids go when they turn 18...where they learn to budget, and live on their own....kinda like a college dorm....with one set of "house parents." But they are more like RA's then house parents. Anyways...i had gotten to know one of the girls here at the ranch before she moved and so i spent the night hanging out with her etc... It was fun. And then Sunday was able to spend some time with my other friends in teguz...and then go to church all together. Man, my church refreshes me sooo much. I should say the Lord has really used my church and the people there to be so refreshing for me. But i sure am thankful and i look forward to going every sunday.

Yesterday (sunday) i actually got a call while in the city telling me that i may not be able to make it back to the ranch, because the river was way to high. Let me back up...there is a river that we have to cross on teh way to the ranch...we have to cross it twice actually...and there is no bridge. Think more in terms like Oregon trail when you have to decide if you are going to ford the river, or caulk your wagon and float :) haha. Well, last night, we decided to make an attempt across...and thankfully our "wagon" didn't tip over or flood :) It was a bumpy ride because we have gotten SO much rain this rainy season so far..which is the reason for the overflowing river, and saturated ground. BUT it has lead to some really fun mud wrestling/mud throwing fights up on the soccer field :) muah hah ha.

Okay...i need to get going to go and teach ..ciao for now!!

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