Sunday, September 14, 2008

Pulling Teeth and Chicken Pox!

This week has me once again looking back saying...where does the time go?!

Darwin, my 2 year old baby, came to the ministry with rotten teeth. We were told when he came that we would just have to wait until they fell out naturally. Well, recently 2 of them had been really causing him tons of pain. So we decided to take him to the medical brigade and get his teeth pulled. It was one of the hardest things i've had to do as a "mother" was to watch him in so much pain....we had 3 of us holding him down and then the dentist pulling out the two front teeth. He's gonna be singing "all i want for christmas, my birthday, or any my 2 front teeth" for a long time!!!! He is doing great now, and no longer screaming in pain at meal times...praise God :)

Last night Junnior started feeling feverish and just had the "sick look." Well, ends up this morning he comes out of bed with little red dots all over his body.....we welcome the chicken pox to House of Abraham. haha. Poor little guy...he's so itchy and mellow. But of course still looks cute even with the 'pox all over :) He's enjoying a bath right now!

Independence day for Honduras is on Monday. We were all going to go in to celebrate with many many people in the city...but now i will be stayin ghome with Junnior and Darwin and Brian will take Christian and Enmanuel into the city to enjoy the festivities.

Enjoy your Sunday!


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